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Chapter 1

I'm here to tell you all about my life, nothing removed just the plain truth that most people despise. I want to share my story, because trust me you're not alone. 

Everyone wants to be different but maybe we're all just the same.

I've always thought I was a bit different, I thought I had an upstanding moral code but I think I've realised over the past year that the morals I'm so proud of are impossible to live by if you want to live happily. And happiness is the greatest trait of all so I decided so throw away what I've always been taught and do exactly what I want to do when I want to do it. However, that kind of life can't exist without it's own complications. 

Six days ago I kissed my ex-best-friend's ex-boyfriend.

And it was great. Doing things I'm not supposed to has always given me my own little buzz like I'm finally decided things on my own. Unlike other animals, humans have an extraordinary power to ignore all environmental constraints and all motivational tendencies and simply decide otherwise, just because they want to do so.  These actions that are forbidden are often the most fun to act out, especially when they include a steamy make-out session with a crazy good looking guy in your car. 

He wasn't just any one of her boyfriends and she wasn't just any friend. We were best-friends for two years and then I realised she was a horrible person who I didn't want to talk to anymore and it was over. I don't like to spend a lot of time on decisions. I always know what to do at my core and there's no point spending more time on a decision then necessary. The only problem is when she find out about the events of last Tuesday which she will because she is now dating one of his best-friends she'll spill my secret. 
The boyfriend, I haven't talked to him since and there's a high probability I won't talk to him ever again but if it'll make Katie feel pain, it was worth it. I used to spend time with them both when we'd all hang out together. I've kissed one of his best-friend that Katie cheated on him with and had sex with one of his other best-friends. And his third best-friend, well he's now dating Katie. 

So that's a look a 6 days of my life, and a pretty bland ones at that. 
I'm to busy studying to go and make interesting stories, but what's the point in doing anything if it doesn't turn into a funny anecdote to entertain somehow?

Until next Time



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